Friday, July 22, 2011

Terrific Tuna Melt

There is a divided line from those who enjoy the tasty treat of tuna fish.  Like myself at first I was not crazy about it because it can be more fragrant than other types of fish.  This is true of many pink varieties packed in cans that might resemble cat food, however, there are other varieties available which have a completely different texture and taste unlike the pink variety which have an amazing flavor and quality protein choice for meals.

What's so great about tuna you ask?  Tuna is very high in protein and very inexpensive compared to other types of meat such as beef, pork or chicken. The average can contains 16 grams of protein per serving and is packed with essential nutrients such as Omega-3 fats, Thiamine, Niacin, B-6 and Selenium just to name a few.

I came along a wonderful treasure the other day when I was out doing some errands.  I found a smoked albacore tuna at a specialty foods cooking store and although was hoping they carried smoked salmon (which much to my dismay they did not), I decided to give it a try in a recipe I make fairly often because it's quick and easy.  (NO LEFT OVERS!)

You might find smoked tuna in your local grocers or specialty food store.  The link to the specific brand I used is below.  Their Site also has other varieties such as original, habanero, and caper also.  I'm very curious about the other flavors, especially the habenaro.  I bet that flavor would make a wicked fish taco.  Hmmm--I'll have to work on that.

The link is


1-7.5 can of Smoked Albacore Tuna
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon Montreal steak seasoning
1/2 teaspoon Celery Salt
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

4 Tablespoons of mayonnaise
4-slices of whole grain bread for 2 servings (8-slices for 4 servings)
2 Tablespoons of Butter, divided
1/3 Cup of  fine blend Parmesan, Asia go, Reggiano Blend 


In a bowl combine tuna, seasonings, mayo and cheese.  Blend together with a fork to flake the tuna apart and blend the seasonings together.  Set aside.

Add butter to pan and set temperature to medium high (electric 5 to 6 ).

One butter is melted, add one slice of bread and top with approx. 2 rounded Tablespoons of the tuna filling.  Top with remaining slice of bread.

Allow to toast, about 2 minutes.  Flip the sandwich and add the second Tablespoon of butter.  To evenly coat the bottom, gently shake the sandwich back and forth in the pan.

Allow to cook for 2 more minutes.  Serve with garlic chips and vinegar and salt chips.