Sunday, June 19, 2016

Snap Peas with Green Garlic Confit and Dill Vinaigrette

Summertime.  Hot sunny days, long evening walks, and gardening in full swing. As a kid, this time of year I was often visiting the Grand parents, who both gardened.  I however, never found much interest in picking beans or tomatoes at the time.  Nor, did I hang around much during the canning, or jam making process.  Climbing trees, playing with kittens, and throwing rocks usually consumed my childhood unfortunately, and I missed the whole gardening learning curve.     

Now as adult, I wish I would have hung around the garden a little more.  I am still getting the bearings on when to plant, and how to start from a seedling.  It's a little intimidating, but luckily my husband has some experience and has pretty much planted and tended our garden. I planted a few pepper plants and a hanging tomato plant in our flower bed, and that's my small contribution.

I'll give back in full, when it is time to harvest our little green and wax beans and make them into some salads with tomatoes and vinaigrette dressing.  Or, mix up a batch of orzo with dill, cherry tomatoes and feta with olive oil drizzled over for a warm salad.  I also plan on freezing up peppers for stir fry and egg casseroles, and if I can swing canning, tomato sauce.

So even the most humble gardener can enjoy a few simple pleasures.  Herbs in a patio planter, some tomatoes in a hanging basket, or even an enjoyable morning at the farmer's market will be a rewarding experience as those first few veggies make it into your kitchen!

Which takes me to a beautiful salad I saw this weekend. Beautiful, you ask?  You just have to trust me.  On the cover Food and Wine's July edition, there is the most inviting plate of salad greens.  As soon as I saw it, my mouth watered and I had to dive right in and see what the makings were.    The ingredients are simple, yet the lemon and dill sound very clean with the snap peas and chewy texture of the mushrooms. 

I think this salad dressing would also be a great compliment to other vegetables such as cucumbers, and boiled eggs, and maybe a radish or two. 

So, without further adieu, here is Jeremiah Stone and Fabian Von Hauske's recipe for Snap Peas with Green Garlic Confit and Dill Vinaigrette, courtesy of Food and Wine Magazine.  Enjoy!  

Snap Peas with green Garlic Confit and Dill Vinaigrette